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littleton shot maker improvements


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Forget the dimmples, its only the starter for when you shoot the cartridge.

Antinomy, about 4 percent but do you really need it?? its all in the mind, unless you are shooting Fitasc or ball trap and need that xtra tight pattern.


Currently dropping into diesle, good shot but comes with the aftermath of degreasing etc, dont worry to much about cosmetics, live and clay pidgeons cannot tell the difference between soft and hard shot. john

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Forget the dimmples, its only the starter for when you shoot the cartridge.

Antinomy, about 4 percent but do you really need it?? its all in the mind, unless you are shooting Fitasc or ball trap and need that xtra tight pattern.


Currently dropping into diesle, good shot but comes with the aftermath of degreasing etc, dont worry to much about cosmetics, live and clay pidgeons cannot tell the difference between soft and hard shot. john

Brilliant advice! Forget the dimples! I couldn't agree more! When perfect shot is driven up the barrel it is deformed like hell with dimples all round!! The ONLY reason lead shot is uniform and round is to facilitate uniform volumetric loading at the factory! The clays won't know the difference!

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Someone gave me a brick of antinomy today. I already have my lead in ingots so I probably wont add any to the current batch but maybe next time I need to make some more ingots I will try it.


Do you know how I can keep the drippers going without giving them a knock every 20 seconds? The one dripper keeps going all the time and I think it has a slightly bigger hole in it, I did clean them all before I started. I might make some stainless drippers, if I drill them 0.5mm do you think I will get no 6 to 7 shot from it?



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is it pure atimony if so melt it outside as it gives off arsnic all i do is add a bit to my lead and then poor a ingot and see if it sinks if it does add a bit moor and repeat but as fc and snere says does it matter about the dimples :good:

i drilled my drippers .4mm and get 6/7 shotand have some at .6mm and get 5 shot but with the 5 shot it still needs a little tinkering as thay get little flat

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You will always get one or two that dont seem to run like the others.


Are they the outer droppers?? as the heat to these is less than the middle ones.


If you play a small gas flame on the offending drippers and they pick up speed, this could be your problem, also doing this will make your shot smaller as the flame cuts the tail quicker, a good way to get some nice 410 skeet 9s.


The shot you photo/d is good anough for what you are shooting, probably bridge in anything below 20 gage, thats when you need quality/polished shot.


Keep us updated. atb. john

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It wasn't the outer drippers that keep stopping, the two outer holes have blanking bolts fitted. I have the thermocouple fitted to the ramp so I know its at the right temperature.

I have a feeling I threw in some wheel weights when I cast the ingots, it is possible they were zinc, it was a long time ago and I cant remember. I will keep going with the ingots I already have and make a better batch when I run out.


The antimony I have is commercial grade stuff that has been sitting around at work for years, I will melt it outside just in case there is anything nasty in it.


I just need to make more shot now and get loading :)



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It wasn't the outer drippers that keep stopping, the two outer holes have blanking bolts fitted. I have the thermocouple fitted to the ramp so I know its at the right temperature.

I have a feeling I threw in some wheel weights when I cast the ingots, it is possible they were zinc, it was a long time ago and I cant remember. I will keep going with the ingots I already have and make a better batch when I run out.


The antimony I have is commercial grade stuff that has been sitting around at work for years, I will melt it outside just in case there is anything nasty in it.


I just need to make more shot now and get loading :)



Seb, you won't melt zinc weights in the lead range; they'll float to the surface. Antimony is an element, it contains nothing else; it is accumulative poison and melts at 904Kelvin.

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I didn't measure the temperature when I cast the ingots but it was over a big gas burner outside and melted everything except the steel wheel clips so it is possible I got zinc in the mix.

Are you sure antinomy doesn't contain anything else, I was told its impurities are arsenic and sulfide.

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I didn't measure the temperature when I cast the ingots but it was over a big gas burner outside and melted everything except the steel wheel clips so it is possible I got zinc in the mix.

Are you sure antinomy doesn't contain anything else, I was told its impurities are arsenic and sulfide.


Pure Antimony is an ELEMENT.

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The antimony I have is commercial grade and still contains small amounts of impurities from the ore it came from. It still contains a small amount of arsenic, commercial grade antimony is listed to have 0.1 to 0.3% arsenic and a few other things but it is 99% antimony. It just depends how much refining it has had.




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