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hi peeps was just wondering if any1 can put me right stated off well birds flyin in etc throught the morning had to change the pattern and magnet to accomadate mother nature (wind) which was no bother birds kept coming then all of a sudden they went id died a death and i mean DEAD not even a showboat doing a fly by why is this?? thanks in advance p.s only my 2nd time out

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From your story, it seems that your shooting stopped early in the afternoon.

This is quite common, in fact in my experience its what normally happens.


The birds have probably had enough food and are going off to rest (feeding can be hard work), or perhaps they want water.

Its hard to tell, but there isn't a shooter here that hasn't suffered with the 2pm blues. :lol:


There is often another burst of feeding, just before they go off to roost.

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when i have been out ifound that they have three feeding spells first thing, mid day then late eavning. i ques this is so that they can go of and diggest there food.

my advice is to just sit and wait for them to come back. or the other thing that might be happening is that they<ve just had enough of the noise and r feeding somewere else.



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