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got a problem -- help

darren m

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last night i noticed a small , what looked like a graze on my border collies nose , thought nothing of it .

BUT this morning her nose as erupted in to a swollen mass of sores about 3 inch along her snout , its bleeding and seeping puss/liquid.

on further examination i noticed she had these similar sores around her ears and mouth.

she looks a real mess , but is ok in her self.

i,m taking her to the vets after surgery , but in the mean time .

Any one got any ideas what this could be


THANKS in advance

Darren .


ps . the other dog JACK the lab seems ok .

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Over here I would say spider bite, or snake bite if it were warm out. However since it is cold at the moment I am going with allergic reaction. I had one with those symptoms who was laying down in some hard wood, mostly walnut and hickory, shaving while I worked away in the shop. Anti hystomines and about 7 days cleaned it up but when ever he got around those shavings he would break out again.


If she has no trouble breathing DO NOT give her anything as it may mask what the Vet is looking at.



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Dan -- good guess mate -- the vet said the same thing , he thinks its an allergic reaction to something , god knows what.


maybe it was the chicken , but i doubt it as shes had it loads of time , but thats the only think different i ,ve given her and that evening / next day she was covered in sores.

not looking any better at the moment , dont know wether to bathe it or not .


Darren .

Edited by darren m
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cheers Dan -- the nose looks worse than ever today , so he,s given her some antibiotics and some ( i think ) anti-hystomines.

Any tips on how i can stop her rubbing or scratching it.


re-batheing her sores , he thinks it needs to dry out , but i,m not so sure as its weeping and bleeding and i,m worried about any infection.

wish i could stick a big plaster on it for her , poor gal :o


her ears and mouth sores are stable.


would any human anti-bacterail cream be ok ie , germoline or TCP type cream , or does it have to be vet stuff .



Darren .


ps . can you think of any thing else that may be causeing it other than allergy

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An Elizabathan Collar or as OldRooster so elagently put it:


one of them big plastic HMV jobbies



Darren the only times I have seen those types of sores have been from ;




Spider bites

Snake bites


Sorry I cant be of more help on this one.


Again check with the vet before putting anything on it. Asw I said I remember using a hibatane soap wash when Clinton had it accross his muzzel.



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