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Theoben Fenman power loss?


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Hi There

I am new to PW.

Took my .22 Fenman out today (about 15 years old I think). Had the gun about 4 years , apparantley it had a new Gas Ram fitted before I purchased and its served me well on all types air rifle quarry out to 30 yards.However out with it today after the Rats and it seems to have lost power.

Still seems to be reasonabley powerfull to sort rats at 15-20 yards but has definitley lost some power.

Before i make a trip to the gunsmith just wondered if any of you guys had any ideas/suggestions as to what might have happened?? The gun is still stiff to cock and very accurate.

Any advise appreciated,



Edited by Twelver
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More likely a burned seal on the piston head, only way to tell is a strip down. Breech seal will have some effect but not great on overall power unless totally kaput. Running non FAC designed rammers at the very top end tend to do the head in. But i should chrono it before i did anything Rats hit in the right spot die even when 2-3 ftlb energy has gone west

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Rather than being a damaged seal, I'd say the more likely problem is a loss of air pressure in the Ram. They have a port for topping them up, it is a fairly common occurence and easily rectified if you have the relevant pump and pipe, and a chrono.

From my experience, it is when the gun has not been used for a while that the pressure is lost - a theory is that the seal sticks slightly on the shaft, when it is cocked some pressure is then lost, as there is no longer a perfect airtight seal as the seal moves on the shaft.

If you havent got the pump (which is around £70), then many gunsmiths can do it for around £25.

If you have a compressed air bottle, I believe it is possible to get the hose adaptor for the gun, then top it up with the bottle.



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Before you spend any money mate get it chrono'd this will tell if it is definitely down on power. All gas rams are affected my the cold weather and your rifle could experience a slight power loss if cold for prolonged period. However, if the power is down the most likely cause is that the ram has lost air, you can either get it pumped back up (gunsmith or somebody who owns pump) or get it serviced at theoben (£69), the service will address any potential issues with worn seals etc. Great guns the fenmsn.

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Thanks for your replys much appreciated. I dont live a million miles from Theoben so will give them a visit.

Thanks again all who Replied.



Before you spend any money mate get it chrono'd this will tell if it is definitely down on power. All gas rams are affected my the cold weather and your rifle could experience a slight power loss if cold for prolonged period. However, if the power is down the most likely cause is that the ram has lost air, you can either get it pumped back up (gunsmith or somebody who owns pump) or get it serviced at theoben (£69), the service will address any potential issues with worn seals etc. Great guns the fenmsn.

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Thanks for your replys much appreciated. I dont live a million miles from Theoben so will give them a visit.

Thanks again all who Replied.




Out of interest does it have the Hyedua stock?


If so I might make an offer if you want to sell?

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Hi mate

i think its the Hyedua stock, its a lovely bit of wood!

Seriously hadnt thought about selling it as i really do love this gun!

have just had afew shots with it in the garden at 15 yards or so and seems to be fine so might be me being a bit paraonoid!

If you want to make me an offer (assuming its going to cost me £70 to sort) for gun only please send me a PM






Out of interest does it have the Hyedua stock?


If so I might make an offer if you want to sell?

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Hi mate

i think its the Hyedua stock, its a lovely bit of wood!

Seriously hadnt thought about selling it as i really do love this gun!

have just had afew shots with it in the garden at 15 yards or so and seems to be fine so might be me being a bit paraonoid!

If you want to make me an offer (assuming its going to cost me £70 to sort) for gun only please send me a PM






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