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Bought one new about 5 year ago and had the same problem after about 200 shots went back to the shop i got it from 3 times and they still could'nt sort it out so got my money back .Pitty because i really liked the gun and shot well with it. Sorry this prob doesnt help you any but i believe it was a prob with the earlier models


ATB Steve

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Renowned for it. Sometimes it helps if you push the selector button over very hard to one side each time before firing. better still, get rid. :yes:

I have it from a guy in the firing line of all these Bettinsoli problems that they are no better now that when they were first imported. :no:

I can`t understand why the importer doesn`t do something about it and why the shops keep selling them as it`s damaging all there reputations. :angry:

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thanks for your replies, the gun is about 3 years old and i got fed up with all the problems with it, Ive had sears pins fitted, and springs breaking, and yes it is a **** gun and would not recommend them at all, in the end i bought a miroku mk60 and its a brilliant gun, i just wanted to get the bettinsoli sorted out to use as a spare gun, but might now trade it in for a auto as i think its best to get rid of the bettinsoli asap, cheers.

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One of the chaps at my club has a Bettinsoli side plate that has demonstrated the same fault you describe. Another chap at the club has recently given up on a bettinsoli and bought a different gun after being fed up with trying to get it fire the second barrel(it wouldn't)!


If Bettinsoli's where sub £500 budget guns, the mechanical faults might be forgivable to an extent but they are not, they are priced between £700-1000!


I agree with Coach, If it is still in waranty, get the dealer to have it fixed then get rid of it quickly before it breaks again - if it isn't in warranty you might be better off PXing it with a dealer rather than paying to have it fixed !

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