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Sat 12th April


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Went on a barley field that was well and truly germinated and the pigeons had long since left. My intention was to try and cut some birds off en route to a bean field. Several hundred have been feeding on the bean field, but it has been over shot by a few people.

Two mates shot the field and struggled all afternoon for 26 birds. The said the birds were totally magnet and decoy shy, yet 500 yards away I shot 16 in two hours all of which came straight into my small pattern of 12 plastics and a floater on a field they had no interest in. Not a big bag but very satisfying considering the birds are so wary.

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You had some good sport there, supergame. :lol:


I can,t find any crop or area on my shooting grounds, that the pigeons are visiting wth any regularity or great enthusiasm.


At present its a bit like, "want pigeons...must travel". :lol:


I am tempted to try the crows and rooks. :/

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i shot 63 pigeons an 9 rooks on rape which is about 2ft tall,i noticed birds on wires over field and watched them dropping into tram lines i walk them off and to my amazment about 300 or more got up out of field and landed in potatoe field oppisite, there is a pallet hide in field already so i set up just a magnet and after about 20 mins in they come,i must admit one went round with magnet and in the excitment i shot the wing of the magnet bird,the dog was having to work overtime, but keep an eye on rape late at about 5 to 5.30 best sport i have had for long time,noticed birds on there again tonite may go in week :ph34r:

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