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Radio 4 this afternoon


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Should be a program about or including stuff about Muntjac, sorry to be a bit sketchy but I didn't hear the trailor - it's probably 3pm as there is an environmental slot then (according to mrs stuartp :yp: )


I can't see anything on the BBC or Radio Times sites with any more detail either

Edited by stuartp
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There is a storyline in the archers about them rescuing a muntjac at the moment Stuart maybe that was it?


In my defense my wife listens to the archers in the car and I am therefore subjected to it. I keep telling her it is just East Enders for posh people but she won't listen. :yp:

Edited by tenbears10
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I aonly caught the last 5 minutes, but it seemed to be agreed by all that they need sorting out, possibly using contraceptives :yp:


The idea of re-introducing wolves didn't go down too well with the woman who has muntac in her garden!


It will try and find the link on radio 4's site as they have that 'listen again' option on some programs

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