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Taking Shotguns abroad


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We are currently in the process of migrating to Australia and wondered if anyone knew how easy or difficult it would be to take our shotguns with us.


I figure that i would have to have my SGC transferred to into Aussie paperwork, but might have to have the shotties sent over after this has been done (resident and shottie cabinets etc)



anyone know??




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I would suggest that, unless you have a deep sentimental attachment to the weapons, you consider selling them and buying replacements in Australia.


You can then buy weapons completely suited to the shooting you will be doing.


All known brands are available there and a lot cheaper than the UK (what a surprise).

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Your probably right, but I was just about to buy an EELL Beretta with a view to taking that with me. I'll do a bit of searching to see how much they are over there (much european stuff over there is quite pricey).


But it looks like three very nice shotties will be coming up for sale soon (the 686E is already)




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i know a man who goes to spain with a gun every year as he has a second home out there. He used to take his expensive browning 525 grade 5 with adjustable stock and all the bells and whistles. However after the airline loosing it 2 times out of 4 flights, which in one case he had actually been informed it was lost. He stoped taking it and purchased a cheapo Miroku (cheap being a relitive term, this man owns most of a village and used to run a gunshop) If this gun gets lost he wont shed a tear (neither will his wallet).

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