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Single slugs


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As far as I am aware You need a section 1 Variation to use single slugs in a Shotgun I looked into it a couple of years back for controling Deer on a peice of Land where a Rifle was not suitable unfortunatley the Land changed hands and and the New Owner did not want the Deer controlled ;) Do a Google search for Shotgun Slugs on UK sites You should be able to find Something on there its also a good Idea to buy a Gun that is designed to fire Slugs as most have scope rails

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Ok I don't anything about this so bear with me...


I <may> need some single slugs for my shotgun.

I have an FAC.


Can I buy single slugs in the UK?

Do I need something on my ticket to say I can buy them?

Yes they are section 1 ammo if they are bought as a complete cartridge case. Bought as a slug they are just a piece of lead. You must have them listed on your FAC to buy complete


You can buy the shotgun solid lead slugs without having a FAC, but as some as you load them into a cartridge case, they like bullet heads become live ammo, so if yoy don't have a FAC and them on your ticket your in **** street if you get caught



Edited by jonno 357
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