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Had a Leica LRF excellent, lent it to a mate and was given a bit of cash back !

now have the CRF 1200, smaller & lighter.... again excellent out to farther than I want to run. Good glass, I use it for spotting too, beam spread less than the Swaro:. LEDs easily readable

Niggles ... could do with a more precise aiming mark. needs a steady hold at longer distance (or I do), not switchable between yards or metres.

Replaced by a 1600 version, though there are some 900 models about new I think.

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Depends what you want to use it for, I use mine for when I'm zeroing (particularly when I'm working out aimpoints and need to change distance a lot) or when I'm laying up so I have some points of reference to trees etc. I have an MTC Rapier which second hand will cost you around £60-80 and does all I need it to do.


I did have a Leica LRF900 (£200-£300 second hand) and the glass was much better and it had an illuminated display, so it was much easier to read at night but it was too good for what I use it for so I sold it.

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A pal forked out on a Leica (not sure on model but cost around £1k) - used it a lot as a novelty, but to be honest its only ever used now on zeroing.


We ran around a couple of farms we shoot, went to all our entry points on the fields and zapped trees hedges so we knew the distances, was a shocker how far out we were with some range estimates prior to lazering them, it all looks different at night!


I would not spend lots of cash on one myself.

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