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9mm Garden gun


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had an investarm one was proper proper proper **** i think i would of rather used a bb gun whatever you shoot at REALLY has to be sat on the end of the barrell. very quiet thow. and the brass cartridges were expensive too and it was a folding one. and go on www.guntrader.co.uk

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Anybody know a shop who's selling them...?

and do they do a folding version...?



Essex gun sell 9mm SxS .... an awful lot of money for such a little gun...

Most ones you see for sale are bolt action..

Range with such a small cartridge is very limited, maybe 10 yds... but they are effective for what they were ment to do, shoot rats around the chicken sheds and pig runs and protect the veggie patch...

Not cheap to run, never were and most certaintly not a toy.

They are still capable of killing someone and should be treated with respect..


I used to have alot of fun when younger shooting rats in the hen houses, but even with care they punched holes in the shed.

Not really much use, as airguns can do the job cheaper, and 410's have much better range and effect.

Can still be fun to have though.... just don't expect too much :lol:



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