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Out of these two I chose the (black) dog. He's called Rogan, is seven weeks today and pretty lively when he's awake. Only had him a couple of nights, the first one he whined a lot but last night he wasn't too bad. Any tips to help him through the night?


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When I got my springer pup I was advised to leave on of my old jumpers with him at night so they can smell your scent, This apparently comforts them. I couldn't swear to whether it worked or not as it didn't take long for him to settle in.


Lovely looking pup though you'll have lots of fun together. I wouldn't be without mine now.





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Thanks guys. Left him with an unwashed t-shirt and didn't hear a peep all night. We'd already tried the talk radio in the next room which didn't seem to make much odds.


Kirky, I value everyones thoughts as there is one thing for sure - you'll have more experience with dogs than me, this is my first pup. That's what's so great about this forum, a wealth of experience and opinion based on it.


I'd thought that 9 weeks was about right but have recently read another couple of opinions saying 6-7 weeks. I had actually only gone with the intention of looking at the pup but thought he looked good and kind of got the impression that had I not taken him then the owner would have let him go to whoever arrived next rather then hold him for another couple of weeks. Some of the other pups had already gone.


Anyway, thanks again. No doubt I'll be here asking for ***-bits of advice again.



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Don't let him sleep to much in the day. Keep him active as much as you can, that way he'll sleep more soundly at night.

Won't be long and he'll get into your routine.

I'd suggest a dog cage if you've not got a kennel. This way the dog has time on it's own to sit back and reflect on what it has learnt and take in the new experiences it's been shown. Ideal when you have guests that don't like mad cocker pups. ;)

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Hows the pup doing?


My springer is also my first pup and I value all the help and advice I can get and am only to happy to pass it on.


Please do not believe harryhawk's signature. That really grates on me when people say that. I have seen spaniels that are superb and thick labradors and I have seen superb labradors and thick spaniels. You will get out what you put in!!


One other piece of advice was not to do any serious training or put him under any pressure until he is 6 months old, just be his mate and do plenty of bonding.

This has worked for me, my springer Merlin is nearly a year old and is coming on fine.


Listen to everyone and tkae your choice as to what you do, everyone will have different opinions. See if you can find a gundog club which specialises in training spaniels and go and see them.





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Rogan is great thanks. He's VERY playful and lively and likes to "kill" the teddy bear he has each time it's thrown. Seems to be his favourite. He seems a lot bigger already - I think it's because his legs are straightening out and he's holding himself higher.


Toileting is better already as well - most pees are on mats and all sh$£s are on the mat. Hopefully we'll progress to back yard/grass soon.


We've been playing as much as possible through the day and he sleeps no bother at night and no more whining. I put a warm hot water bottle wrapped in an old jumper in his bed which seems to settle him in for the night.


I've already been told not to bother any formal training until 6 months at the very earliest, and to forget about having him out and about for this coming season. One of my colleagues has had cockers for many years and is a field trialler so he might come in handy when the time is right! As well as all the advice from here.


Taking him to the vet on Wednesday for his first innoculation and to see what services the vet has on offer - I know they do puppy/socialisation classes, and I also want to check if the vet had any special insurance requirements.


For later on, amonst others, I've got the Keith Erlansdson and Joe(?) Irving spaniel books which folk had mentioned on here as being pretty good.


I'll see if there are any gundog clubs locally - good idea, thanks.



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I took Merlin to puppy socialisation classes, they were such a laugh. There was 2 other springers there and all they did was roll around on the floor together play fighting, it looked like a Tom and Jerry cartoon.


On the subject of insurance, read the small print as a lot of the cheaper ones do not cover working dogs. Direct line certainly don't.


I have insurance through the KC for £18 a month.





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Please do not believe harryhawk's signature. That really grates on me when people say that. I have seen spaniels that are superb and thick labradors and I have seen superb labradors and thick spaniels. You will get out what you put in!!




Martincavie :lol:



Never had a lab, never will have a black bin bag stood at my side. :<

As an ex keeper i have seen enough dogs work in the line and know what works in my area. Always had spaniels since i was 15 and i am getting a cocker this summer, the signature is put on there as a dig at spaniel knockers.

If you bothered to look at the "companions" you will see a photo of my present springer bitch.

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Sorry I did not mean any offence, but I don't get it. why have a signature like that at all?


I have a springer, but see no reason to knock labs. they all do their equally as well as long as they are trained. As I said you only get out what you put in.


I have bothered to look at companions but to remember everyones dog would make me a mastermind contestant.


Like I have said No offence meant we all have our opinions.





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