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I've owned one and couldnt get to grips with it. Mechanically it was perfect and never ever jammed but it was very short in the stock and even after some expense custom stock work I could never get it to mount correctly. Loved the gun but couldnt hit anything with it!

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Got one - love it ! They are a bit short in the stock, but I bought one of the extended recoil pads that Benelli sell and its ok for me, but if you are a real gorilla you may struggle. I think these insert pads are bl@@dy expensive though - £60+ each! For the price of the gun there should be at least the short and long one in the gun case, in the same way as the Browning Cynergy does, for summer and winter use, depending on your clothing thickness.

As for shooting, I usually shoot 28gm loads for clays - (with my shooting I need all the lead in the air I can get! :blush: ) but the gun happily shoots 24gm loads with no problems and one one day when I grabbed the wrong ammo bag, I must have put about 60 21gm cartridges through it and only had one 'non-eject', not really a problem if you are just practicing. It may be just me, but the inertia cycling mechanism feels a little more punchy than my mates gas recoil Winchester, but still a lot less than my Browning. Oh, and after feeling the muzzle flip on the Winchester, the Benelli ported barrel (seems REALLY loud!) keeps your eye on track with almost no muzzle climb on shooting - a lot easier for your second clay of a pair!


Having said all that, I would prefer to always have an O/U as well. Like all semis, it does sling the empties a bit and used shell retrieval can be difficult on some grounds and I don't like walking away leaving rubbish behind - also, on grounds where the stands are close together, I feel it is a bit bad manners to expect everybody else to put up with being showered with hot shotgun empties. Also, since the DVLA decided my health wouldn't allow me to drive any more, I have to use public transport a lot to go to my local ground, taking the o/u in a takedown bag is easier than taking the Benelli.


Overall, I never see a time when I would want to change it, it is great fun and easy to use/clean, better for use on wet days and less bruising for high volumes of heavy loads, but I wouldn't like it to be my only gun. I think Doveridge have a demo gun (although they are cheaper to buy at Derek Lees ! :whistling: ), why not go down and try one, if you are seriously considering buying one? Otherwise, PM me and we will see if we can meet up at Pinewood near Gainsborough and you can have a try with mine, just bring your licence and bacon butty money. :good:

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Dream on, one Browning is enough for me at the moment! :D:P It will have to be after the first week in April. I am going away till then and the housesitter hasn't got access to the cabinet :lol::lol:

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