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fired both barrels at same time..help.


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Hi folks....i am relatively new to shooting...well..on my own anyhow.I was handed down a lovely old joseph defourny 20g sxs belgium game gun.......its the only gun i use and although im not the best shot with it its very comfortable for rough shoots and i use it for over decoys for pigeon.I went for my 1st lesson at the clay shooting range and took said gun...the instructor was watching over me...on the 5th or 6th shot the gun jolted near out of my hands...he stopped me and took the gun and showed me that both cartridges have gone at same time....i was confident i didnt hit both triggers at the same time but he said i must have....anyway it hasnt happened again until last week...whilst in the hide..the gun works fine and then just randomly fired both again..gives one hell of a kick when it does....after wards it was fine again.....its totally confusing me....do you think it is actually me just clipping the back trigger or maybe an intermittant fault with the gun...i was considering getting it checked out but dont have much money free due to an extortionate mortgage and a moaning missus....i dont want to use an unsafe gun...it was last serviced around 5 yrs ago but not used much since....i clean the pipes after every use,and have greased the breaks etc..any help or advice will be appreciated folks. :good:

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are you holding your second finger over the back trigger ready for 2nd shot?

my friend was holding his mid finger over the back trigger and when pulling front trigger he was accidently knocking the back trigger aswell on occasion

use 1 finger for both triggers and keep the others away


if it does keep doing it, get it looked at by a decent gunsmith

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Possibly a worn sear ... book in in with a competent gunsmith.

Had one that did that once .. not sure who was more surprised .. me or the rabbit at the receiving end of 2oz of #6.

What area are you in ? - you may get some good local recommendations - or read some of the posts on PW

Edited by seeker
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Gunsmith time.

You will subconsciously flinch expecting a double discharge so will not shoot as well as you could with this gun..Go get it sorted,Whilst a gun can take a double hit,it is possible that the malfunction is a worn sear/trigger and the gun COULD go off on jolting/closing etc...I would see the gun as unuseable in its present state.If you look at it from the angle that the gun is not as safe as it could be perhaps it will help with the £100 for a strip/sort out.?


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ok thanks dougall.that was kinda my thinking too...semiautolee on this forum has kindly offeredn me the number of a reliable gunsmith although im on a very tight budget (stoneybroke) so i think the extra carraige up north may just slow the process down and cost too much....ill nip it into the local gunsmith see what they say..i have a 12g on trial as of midweek so will use that until i can afford a proper inspection/repair of my old 20g...better safe than sorry i guess...thanks again for all your advice guys. :good:

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