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One big doggy

Steyr 6.5

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Magnum and I went to a new permission last night to have a look for Charlie. Farmer has apparently lost countless lambs over the past 5 years that the land hasnt been shot on. Have been going for a couple of weeks but so far not take a shot. We set the Fox Pr caller up next to an area that had been baited with Rabbit and visited twice previously. Waited for 30 mins and then spotted a set of eyes coming in quick from the left apx 200 yards away. We were raised up on a hill looking down over part grassland an part pete bog. The eyes stopped at apx 200 yards(need to range this in the day, it could have been further but the 6.5x55 is pretty flat with 95g so apx was good enough) but kept dropping below the long grass(Updated: Pacedout at 254 yards but down hill for first part, lineof site apx 200 - 210 yards). Finally after 10 mins of watching and waiting it kept its head up long enough to ID it as a fox and take the shot. The 95g VMAX dropped it on the spot. Took a bit of finding in the bog but eventually found it. Hes a bigun, ive checked gainst some otherpics ive got of large foxes and hes defo te biggest ive shot, maybe I should have weighed him.


One very big dog fox, well fed and a stunning example. The farmer is that happy he has been out today building us a hide/high seat 10 ft up in a tree that over looks the main fields :) Will be back.


Fox weighed in at 19lb


Steyr MAnnlicher 6.5 x 55

T8 mod

95g VMAX - 41G Varget

Foxpro Spitfire using various calls


Edited by stevienicknacks
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