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Fogging Lens


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Hi all


Went out the other night to do a spot of foxing but had to cut the outing short because I could not see a thing through the scope. I was happily sat there in my new high seat at about 11.00pm when my mate called me onto an incoming fox. Up went the gun, on went the light, off went the light and down came the gun. Charlie smiled and wandered off. Obviously me and mate were not to happy. I must admit it was pretty cold. Anyone got any ideas on how to stop the lens's fogging up. I even tried wiping them with spit on the finger but nothing would not stop it. I had to give up and come back later when things warmed up. Luckily Charlie came back as well! Another one to the .17HMR. So any ideas?

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You do get that with a lot of cheaper scopes,what scope is it?


Nikko Stirling Game King. If this is considered a cheap scope what would be a recommed one for cz452 17HMR. I do not think that I would need a Schmidt and Bender for rabbit and fox but a compromise will do. This set up was my first gun so be gentle with me guys. I do see that some of you use S&B. I must admit that I am looking at the Browning T-Bolt 17HMR. So a scope upgrade as well might be in order.

Edited by rem700
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It has happened once or twice to me usually when I've been out in a cold clear night and cloud cover comes over, the temp is raised by a degree or so and water condenses on the colder gun and scope. I used to have a toothpaste type gell that you rubbed on the lens then dried off and it stopped water droplets from condensing. It worked really well but I can't remember then name, try a google search for anti-fog gel.

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