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metacam or Rimadyl

darren m

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I think the issue is it can cause liver problems, however that has to be balanced with the relief of pain in the meantime. As its usually given to elderly dogs the benefits usually outweigh the side effects. The main reason to choose one or the other is usually down to cost as long term its not cheap

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Different drugs suit different dogs. The main route of toxicity for all these anti-inflammatory drugs are the kidneys or gastrointestinal irritation.


I would say more dogs can vomit after the Metacam, but many dogs do very well on it. Because it's a liquid given by syringe you can vary the dose very accurately.


The Rimadyl is available as a palatable tablet and is very easy to give. Realistically you are limited to whole or half tablets so dosage adjustment is not so precise. What often happens is dogs get under-dosed with the Rimadyl as the dogs weight doesn't often fit the tablet size.


Both are very safe and effective. Both have been around long enough that there are many copy versions that are exactly the same but a good chunk cheaper.


There are more modern drugs available with lower risk of side effects, but they cost quite a bit more.


Hope that helps?

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