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Pigeons & Crows on new drillings


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Recced my land for 2 days and it was rammed with crows on a freshly turned and drilled field (not sure what was planted but think it was Barley) Turned up Sunday morning and it was rammed, then across the trackto the left on the rape that was chocker with pigeon. Me and me brother were like school kids setting up trying to decide what to concentrate on and opted for the Crows. As it happens it didnt matter because the 2 massive flocks ****** off as we were setting up and never came back so at 12 with 4 kills we jacked it in.


Really dissapointed. Not had a good day all year! I'd love to understand what the problem was! I think my hide was a bit tuck out in the open this time but even so we didnt get a sniff!

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get there before they do next time


Do you think that would have mattered? We started to setup before dawn but it was always quiet until and hour after sun up. On recces we noticed that large numbers were feeding at about 11ish so started setting up at more like 9.


Dont seem to be able to get a half decent bag for love nor money these days! Mainly rape on my permission and they dont seem that interested in that!

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they more than likely have a huge choice of restaurants

they have been favouring 1 small rape field on my permission, i set up there, and after a few shots they started heading to a rape field they havent touched since it was drilled!


flocks are splitting up now so decoying should become abit easier/better

but saying that, i saw a few 100+ strong flocks moving about together this last weekend


with the longer days they seem to be feeding 3 times a day


saturday for example, i set up at 7am, i had some good shooting until about 9.30am then it just stopped, nothing came until 11.30 and they started coming it from everywhere again, then at around 1pm it stopped as if the tap had been turned off then at about 4pm, i had the best sport i have had in ages, they were coming from every angle and desperate to be in for there last feed, this stopped at about 5.30 with the odd straggler flying around for alook while i was packing my gear up

Edited by TJ91
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I've had similar experiences this year. I've started throwing out half a dozen deeks and sitting well away for up to quarter of an hour. If there is nothing coming back it only takes a minute to pick the deeks upand try somewhere else.


I've also started flagging the fields I don't shoot to try and concentrate them on those I do shoot.

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I would agree with tj91, it seems with the longer days the birds are feeding in three waves. We were out on the drilled barley on saturday and it would quieten off for a bit and then picked up. At the moment there is a lot of choice for all the birds. If they don't fancy the rape they'll just hop over onto the drilled barley or clover or whereever your not! Just keep cradcking away at them. :good:

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