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The Duncan

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Hi folks, I thought that a trip Bruno22rf and I had out on Saturday is worth a few lines.


Chris had invited me out for a go at some woodies in cambs on a permission there - stand up guy; thanks Chris!


Trouble was, after the 50 odd mile trip to get to the place, we were cheerily told that the livestock had been moved and the field in question was no longer available. Thanks a lot pal! Never heard of sending a text?

Chris did not look amused and was bottling it up quite well; I think he felt that dragging a fairly new contact out on a hundred mile round trip wild goose chase was below par by anyones standards. Poor chap!

I said not to worry (quite chilled, me) and that we'd see what else was about and see if we could blag a bit of shooting one way or another.

The farmer knew of someone with rape which was regularly hit by woodies, so after a convo, Chris and I headed off to see if we could salvage the day.

I said to Chris that this was a bit of a longshot, turning up in cammos etfc, but to our surprise, the owner was very accomodating, especially once she'd heard our plight.

Now we have a new permission! :lol:


Personally, I had a great day out. not a huge bag by anyones standards, but I was gaining accuracy and improving my technique rapidly - happy days :)

Chris seemed to be the Jonah of the outfit that day; stay with me - all quiet and very few birds,

go off to the next field and I'd get shots trickling through in dribs and drabs (just how I like it) whilst Chris' gun remained silent :lol:

I felt a bit for him :P - but the point was that we snagged a few birds, had a good laugh and to cap the day off, the new permissions owner suggested talking to the neighbouring landowner.

I called him up and after a somewhat frosty start, managed to get us over for a quick face-to-face meet and, as it happened, some rabbit shooting thrown in was the outcome :D BONUS!

All we have to do now is drop him a text to let him know we'll be around and he is very happy with his new 'recruits'. Furthermore, he had just turned down a local guy flat who wanted to shoot his land.

I must have kissed the blarney stone that morning ;)


Fabaroo! So we are now planning return trips on the new permissions to hit the woodies early and through the day, and then switch to dusk time rabbit sniping for a few hours additional pest control/sport.

Sorted :good:

All in all, a very reqarding day - good fun, tribulations, a pair of new relationships started in a new area.

I've had worse days :lol:


So - thanks to Bruno22rf - looks like we got more than we bargained for fella!





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What Duncan is forgetting is that my 2 pigeons were so high they were on oxygen and my 2 crows were so far away that they spoke a different language!!!!!Great day with great company and a few birds was just what the doctor ordered Duncan and that,s what I got.Must also add that the landowners in Cambs. are a heck of a lot more accommodating than those in Bucks-never had a woman offer to dress up as a French Maid and make us a cuppa before. :yes: Also I cannot believe that so many bunnies can sit around without being shot-for now :sly: Looking forwards to next visit already.

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