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Right gents, I need some advice as how to clean my CF. I'm not OCD about cleaning. As long as the barrel doesn't deteriorate/get damaged I don't care. Is cleaning every 40 shots reasonable? More or less?


Also, do I place a bore guide where the bolt normally goes? With the sticky out bit where the bolt handle is located?


Also where can I get a bore guide that fits a sako 75 .270. The numpty at my gun shop got me one that doesn't fit!




ATB! :good:

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Cleaning depends more on field conditions than shots fired in a hunting rifle, Raining then always clean etc. Shot counts depend on guns age and how well its broken in also the individual barrel then later how much wear. My own Sako 75 needs cleaning after no more than ten these days due to errosion mid life i could go to 50 - 100 if i had to on a range day, early days i always do at least the first 20 as 1 shot then clean.

As for how to clean and were to clean this realy has to be demonstrated, many rifle smiths or experianced / knoledgable persons can show you this

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as reqested by pm by a member



im not too anal any more, like said above all depend on how many rounds fired and weather conditions, if only foxing then after a few sessions but if plinking or range work then straight after


I myself use KG1, KG2, KG12 products, much better than the ones in the video in my opinion




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