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sub sonic or super sonic .22 lr


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hi all i have a 22 cz that currently runs subs. I will be gettin a 17 hmr next month when funds allow . Question is is it worth tryin super sonic rounds or do you think the range difference and the noise is not worth it or should just wait for my 17 thanks m1 :good:

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hi all i have a 22 cz that currently runs subs. I will be gettin a 17 hmr next month when funds allow . Question is is it worth tryin super sonic rounds or do you think the range difference and the noise is not worth it or should just wait for my 17 thanks m1 :good:

wait for your 17 cracking little round,

supersonic .22 rounds are not too hot on accuracy


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hi all i have a 22 cz that currently runs subs. I will be gettin a 17 hmr next month when funds allow . Question is is it worth tryin super sonic rounds or do you think the range difference and the noise is not worth it or should just wait for my 17 thanks m1 :good:


super sonic don't stay that way for very long and its when they start to go into that transonic place slightly above 1050 fps they destabilise. Many think they hit harder but after testing the penetration ability of the humble sub over the last few days i can't see that being of benefit as it will only be extra energy out the other side. So to my mind a waste going HV .22. .17 HMR is what your looking for but be aware it is difficult to shoot out to the ranges many speak of for one simple reason "wind" winds you cannot even detect on your face can move it a significant amount and a 10mph Full value wind is going to move it near enough to 3 1/2 " @ 100yds. Shooting head or tail winds it is very capable and the ammo is to a high standard so you can get great accuraccy when conditions are good.

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super sonic don't stay that way for very long and its when they start to go into that transonic place slightly above 1050 fps they destabilise. Many think they hit harder but after testing the penetration ability of the humble sub over the last few days i can't see that being of benefit as it will only be extra energy out the other side. So to my mind a waste going HV .22. .17 HMR is what your looking for but be aware it is difficult to shoot out to the ranges many speak of for one simple reason "wind" winds you cannot even detect on your face can move it a significant amount and a 10mph Full value wind is going to move it near enough to 3 1/2 " @ 100yds. Shooting head or tail winds it is very capable and the ammo is to a high standard so you can get great accuraccy when conditions are good.

Second that, I have a .22 which I just run subs from, if I want more range as I sometimes shoot crows and bunnies out on freshly drilled fields out to 150 yards I use the HMR, but for lamping from the truck and quad I use the .22, cant beat it, dead quiet, accurate and very cheap to run. Have fun with the hummer when you get it!

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