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Open Ticket

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:good: Well Ive had a few requests lately to shoot on uncleared land and sadly had to decline due to having restrictions on my FAC! So i thought what the hell I'll phone Cheshire police and see if I can get my licence opened up, So here we go i thought a thousand and one questions and eventually a load of excuses from them and they will say no!!! How wrong was I?? I very quickly explained that i had now held my FAC for nearly 2 years(22,17 and .223)

and was having to turn down shoots because of the restrictions and hey presto! No problem sir I'm doing the paperwork now and you will be clear to shoot by the weekend!!!!!!!!!

All I can say is a massive thanks to the nice lady on the phone and roll on Friday night, look out bunnies here I come...............



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Nice one I wish it was that easy for me. I haven't tried that yet but I will wait till a couple of more years. Or maybe around 6'months so then I've had it 2 years like yourself. I've just managed to have a .22-250 added to my license aswell as already having a .223 so I feel like I'd be pushing my luck if I asked for this aswell lol. Did you get all the calibres on your license opened up or just specific ones?

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Nice one I wish it was that easy for me. I haven't tried that yet but I will wait till a couple of more years. Or maybe around 6'months so then I've had it 2 years like yourself. I've just managed to have a .22-250 added to my license aswell as already having a .223 so I feel like I'd be pushing my luck if I asked for this aswell lol. Did you get all the calibres on your license opened up or just specific ones?


The time you have had your fac is irrelevant, its all down to where you live. I had my fac opened for 17-22 and 243 in 9 months from getting it so try the worst they can say is no.

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Iv had my FAC for 18 months now and asked if i can have my ticket opened up for HMR and for my .243 when my variations

comes back for it. I was told i could have my ticket opened for my HMR no problem. But for my ticket to be opened up for my

.243 straight away, he advised i take 6 months to get the experience of using out in the field under closed condition.

Then if in 6 months he feels i'll be good to go it alone an make my own decisions where to shoot, he'll open my

ticket up for the .243, as i will have had my ticket a full 2 years then. So i hope they hurry up with the proccessing

of my variations, so i can get on with the field work side of it.





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Nice one I wish it was that easy for me. I haven't tried that yet but I will wait till a couple of more years. Or maybe around 6'months so then I've had it 2 years like yourself. I've just managed to have a .22-250 added to my license aswell as already having a .223 so I feel like I'd be pushing my luck if I asked for this aswell lol. Did you get all the calibres on your license opened up or just specific ones?

All of them mate!! :yes:

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