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Clay Delay Voice Puller


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I'm getting sick and tired of having to ask for someone to trap for me at my local club....


I'm working from home at the moment so I can take advantage of the quiet weekdays to go and practice, but there is often nobody else shooting and they don't have a delay/voice activated system.


I did a bit of research and this looks like just the trick.


I'm going to talk to the manager of the ground next week but wondered if anybody has used a clay delay or similar?





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FWIW I've used a manual delay version on the Skeet range at Lakenheath and on several sporting ranges with Claymate (?).

I've seen a home made voice-op version in use on a trap range .. it was pretty much what you're looking at.

I thought I saw something similar at the Midland GF last year that was UK made... something like 'voice operated system' .. no different from trench releases?

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Clay mate is popular for sporting and has a delay function I think there is a similar acoustic unit but not used it if the ground has or would fit the connectors for a delayed release mechanism (really they should buy it) or find another ground locally

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So basically, with one of these, assuming the ground's system is compatible, and you have the right connecter, you just rock up with an Autopuller and plug it in and away you go?



Yep, very simple. The main concern is the connector as there are all kind s in use.


Every ground I have been supply the kit and you pay for what you shoot, manual buttons dint record the clays released so it's either recorded by a trapper or on the honesty system....


The ground I'm thinking of has a system that allocates clays from a terminal before the button is connected, so it should work as normal (in theory...).

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your biggest problem is that you will need to go upto every trap in connect / disconnect your unit. the ground owner might not want you walking around in the firing zone.


find someone to go with you and press the buttons

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your biggest problem is that you will need to go upto every trap in connect / disconnect your unit. the ground owner might not want you walking around in the firing zone.


It's a single release layout so not an issue.


find someone to go with you and press the buttons


That's the whole point of my original post, I want to be able to go shooting whenever I want without having to rely on bringing/finding someone else.

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