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Ok, i have had 12 shells for about 5 years. They are very good with large white patches and they dont shine. They wernt expensive £13 as i recall.



I recetly bought another 12 shells from a online store, along with a rotary and some other bits and peices.


These new decoys dont have very ig white patches so what can i do to enlarge them, what paint is good?


Also the tails of these decoys shine like anything and are really quite different to the origionals. How can i stop this shine?





Many Thanks

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You could resolve both issues by getting some sillosock slip over jackets and fitting them over your shells (thats what I do and quite a few others).

If you have a look at UKSW's website under Pigeon Decoys you will find them.


They fit over the decoy from the tail up to the neck.

So that the shell still stacks, I cut mine along the "belly" and fix it to the underside of the shell with two sided tape.

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