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Redditch/Birmingham area


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Prefferably 5.5-5.11" blonde,female for every day night meet up in the woods aged 20-30 would be perfect ha


Any one who has a shoot or is willing to come get some?

I have a small place but now summers here I will be looking for more toward m40-m42 way,Birmingham/Reditch and Bromsgrove.Don't care if you drive or not as I will come get you,all I ask is we share costs and you buy beer ;-) joking,share costs is all.


I mainly do airgun and dog though I have no dog at the minute (friends do)

Some one with shotgun or r/f or cf rifle would be nice as we could get some deer/fox pigeons or what not..

I lamp with rifle and dog or do both in the day,had experience in other hunting scenerios but this is unfortunately what Im limited to with out a friend with sc and fac which I do have just dont get chance to go see them as much as I would like.


I am Experienced with r/f and shotgun but not c/f Ive shot with people over the years and used clubs so no worries there.

Edited by HEAD SHOT NO1
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  • 2 months later...

Alright buddy i'm steve from Bidford-on-Avon not that far from you!

ref you looking for a shooting buddy im also looking for someone who wants to shoot some pigeons with me ive a fair bit of land to shoot over!!!

i've a bretta A400 action semi auto plus my .223 for fox shooting, .22 and 17 HMR for rabbits!i'm experienced with firearms as i served in 2 PARA Bcoy for 5years!


anyways give us a message


P.s im not 5.5 blonde but i know where we can find some!!!

Edited by steve airborne
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Hi Steve ( and Head Shot No 1)


No intention of hijacking the thread or treading on toes but here goes any way........


Also looking for SG shooting in the same area. Fully licensed and BSAC etc, have gun and dog and the gear. Travel no probs etc etc etc


If you want to drop me a message feel free, as I said...no offence meant.



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