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My permission has two large fields of clover. A few weeks ago there were a few pigeons feeding on it, but they've gone now. Anyway, the clover will be cut in the next couple of weeks. Then the farmer is going to sow lucerne. I found a couple of posts here which say that pigeons like lucerne a lot.

Is there any chance they'll like it so much that they'll abandon the rape on all the other farms round here? (my farmer won't grow it).

Is there anything in particular I need to know about shooting over lucerne?

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Will the pigeons go for it straight away - or only when the green shoots are showing?


Yep, I always use fibre wads anyway, mainly because I don't like seeing the plastic things lying around. But partly because my gun is apparently more heavily choked than it says on the tin. It's supposedly choked quarter and three quarters but is actually borderline half and full. Supposedly, fibre wads give a looser pattern.

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Added to all the above the 1st year with lucerne the weed is not sprayed off so the birds can be attracted to the weed crop as well as the crop itself, chickweed etc growing within the crop.

As far as my farms growing lucerne its a 3 to 4year crop, personaly on my farms I have never had a good bag off of it but have known of good bags from lucerne elsewhere.

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personaly on my farms I have never had a good bag off of it but have known of good bags from lucerne elsewhere.


It does seem to be patchy around the country, a bit like linseed.

In some areas they are on it and in other areas they are not so bothered.

I don't know if there are various varieties of lucerne, but that may be the reason.

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