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shotgun licence questions


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My fac forms stated that if you are in a shooting club then one countersignatory must be an official of the club (secretary etc.) and the other must NOT be a current member of a shooting club. Other than that anyone of good character was OK. Just shows they don't trust us shooters.


I've never been part of a club, so I kind of forgot that this requirement existed.


Kind of makes sense though, or you could just put any club down and they'd have to take your word for it.

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You don't need a judge or someone like to sign I got my next door neighbour to sign mine no problems then with my fac I got the same neighbour and a friend to sign and got that no problems.when they ring your counter signatory they ask if they have been paid money to sign things like that.I have been a counter signatory a few times and only once have I been rung up and asked any questions and that was feo "have you taken any money to sign mr ###### licence" me "no" feo "how long have you known mr ######" me "7 years" feo " ok thanks" end of phone call

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