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Something Killing my Ducklings

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lol a hedgehog? I still havnt managed to trap whatever it is ive got live traps and fenns everywhere its damn clever whatever it is! Ive never had this much trouble im pretty sure its a rat its scraping away at the bottom of the night shelters and as soon as any duckling goes near that area it gets bitten or gets its head ripped off! Its killing them throughout all my huts though so its quite hard to trap it! I didnt loose any last night though i think with the crows and this rat ive possibly lost 50+ now which isnt making my %'s look too great!!

dont underestermate a hedgepig! ive seen one kill a six week old poult in a pen! we had a nest of stoats under one rearing shed 2 years ago that was messy! 4 patterdales 1 jack russle 1 black fell and a selyham softed them out :good:

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They just love Ducklings, i have seen them trying to take mine. Had to remove the Ducklings.


The Rats were also eating the feed, so set live cage traps then fed them to my Hob Ferret.

I watched my Ducklings screaming while a Rat attacked them :o , so gave them a taste of there own :yes:


PELTY :good:

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