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Gun cabinet

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Having moved out of my house and into the now wifes house I'm in the middle of trying to secure the cabinet to the wall in the loft. I'm now thinking I should have tried harder when trying to convince her to move into mine as the whole house is made of cheese! :angry:

In the main living space its all dry wall and in the loft its thermal block, its just lucky I was forced to watch DIY SOS one week otherwise I would not of been aware of chemical anchoring systems.


I've just pumped a load into the holes and screwed the studs in. I'm just hoping it does the trick before the FLO comes out to check all is ok (ive just put in for FAC)


I will update with the results when I try and hang the cabinet on the studs later. :hmm:

Edited by thegingeritalian
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you'll be fine :yes:


My house is the same, new build, plasterboard over lightweight crumbly thermalite block. Last cabinet was a right pain to fit because I used heavy duty rawlbolts. It was a right pain in the ***** trying to get the bolts to bite and I was never completely happy that it was as secure as I'd like.


Just fitted a new one, but this time used 10 mil studs and chemical anchoring resin. 5 minutes and it was if they were set in granite. Absolutely rock solid. Only down side is that if o ever need to shift them, it'll need a big FO angle grinder!

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Ha ha cheers Blunderbuss that's made me chuckle.


I'm using the same system to anchor the cabinet and I'm chuffed its been a proven method.


I have told the better half that if the resin works we are not moving!


I originally tried rawl bolts but they either split the block or pulled straight out. What I thought would be a nice Sunday morning job has turned out to be a right *******


I hope for the FLOs sake he grants my wish list or else I'll be stuffing him in the cabinet after all the hassle its caused me :sly:

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Chemical resin will hold a gun cabinet just fine.When i was a high rise roofer i anchored many big tv ariels to the tank rooms on appartment block roofs and to my knowledge they never came down.Be careful of getting any on the threads though cos its real tough stuff to get off when cured.

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It's also located in the corner so no one can get a crowbar in there! A bit OTT but the flo loved it, hanging on it tugging it and nothing I think I'll need a tractor when it's time to move house!

I he asked to see the bolts after all his effort, I then told him there where 13, 4 in the floor, 9 in the wall. :lol::lol::lol:

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