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Rite now I'm obsessed with foxes. Its all I can think about. Out all the time looking for fox activity feeding them, watching them even sometimes shooting them. Out early morning checking snares and traps. Its even taking its toll on work insetd of chasing up jobs I'm out looking for Charlie. I've even had to resort to taking the boy out checking traps and dens just to spend some time with him. Right I'm off to put some more dog food out for tonight

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Rite now I'm obsessed with foxes. Its all I can think about. Out all the time looking for fox activity feeding them, watching them even sometimes shooting them. Out early morning checking snares and traps. Its even taking its toll on work insetd of chasing up jobs I'm out looking for Charlie. I've even had to resort to taking the boy out checking traps and dens just to spend some time with him. Right I'm off to put some more dog food out for tonight


I can tell you mate, this is not just you. I know for a fact that this is a well spread problem and the NHS have employed a few new shrinks to help you and fellow sufferers. My friend Neil is really bad with it just now and was referred to such a specialist just last week. He said that the shrink just gave the impression that he was making a right Charlie out of him and seemed to try to just brush the problems away. I am sure the doctor was called Dr Basil Brush, BOOM BOOM. :good:

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