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Crow decoys


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The electronic flappers work a treat on crows.

I start with only 4 decoys, because thats all I've got. As soon as I've got one crow, it goes on the flapper, then its game on.

Dead birds are always added to the decoy pattern.

Once or twice a year I have a serious go at the corvids and the bags are usually quite substantial. Always between 70 and 100 or so.

Edited by caeser
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i have a magpie decoy which works well at times, but people tell me if i use a crow decoy on crows they will only swoop down at it. Would 3 or 4 decoys work better. Has anyone any experience on this. :hmm:

thanks for that. Just wondering were to you buy your decoys. The decoys i would use would be hooded crows decoys which are dear at 10.00 but if it makes a differance it would be worth it.

Also would a mixture of hooded crows and black crows work or would it scare them of. In my area there is only hooded crows and magpies.

Thanks for all reponces really helpful. cheers :)

Edited by kevmag
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