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what to use on a rotary


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Went shooting the other day which is only my second go


Took my new 3 arm rotary magnet and put air pro decoys on them , put 6 shells down set out as instructed by the game keeper and a good hide. The pigeons came fairly close then flew off, ithen took the magnet down and laid the air pro decoys on the ground then the action started

Now is it because of the noise of the air pro wings spinning round or is it the magnet that spooked them

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Rotarys can spook pigeons sometimes and people claim that the air-pros noise also spooks pigeons sometimes.


I use hypa flaps on my two arm rotary and sometimes dead birds.

Dead birds being heavier obviously wear out the battery quicker and you have a three arm rotary, so three dead birds ........(you can do your own sums :) )


At least you did the right thing by changing your layout when things weren't working. :good:

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Rotarys can spook pigeons sometimes and people claim that the air-pros noise also spooks pigeons sometimes.


I use hypa flaps on my two arm rotary and sometimes dead birds.

Dead birds being heavier obviously wear out the battery quicker and you have a three arm rotary, so three dead birds ........(you can do your own sums :) )


At least you did the right thing by changing your layout when things weren't working. :good:

Thanks for the reply

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All the 3 arm machines I have seen are very big too :hmm:


I had some air-pros, not once ever, did a woody decoy to them. Ferals on the other hand, threw themselves at them :rolleyes:


There could also be a few other reasons why the set up didnt work at first,ie the rotary was in the wrong place, but from my experience, it would have been the air-pros causing the problem.


It seems you did the right thing, if it doest work, change the pattern/rotary/flappers/bouncers about. After a few attempts and still no joy, I'd consider moving position.


I have had a few ''OK'' sized bags, all of which where shot with dead birds on a rotary, which was placed between my hide and the decoy pattern, often slightly off to one side, depending which way the birds where comming in from.

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