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Harvest Time


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hi all. been into the woodies for few months now, not been out as much as i'd have liked. the permission i've got is rape and wheat at the moment, which im now waiting to be harvested. my question is what can i expect in terms of pigeon behaviour, activity at harvest for both these crops? what are the birds actually feeding on when the rape is harvested, i've been told it'll be a good time for shooting them. basically any advice appreciated, thanks.

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Get the farmer to text you when they are cutting,then look for flight lines onto the field and set up under this line.

Take plenty cartridges :lol: they go mad for it at harvest time and will just keep coming in, come rain or shine in a feeding frenzy.

Keep an eye on what fields are going to be cut and do plenty of reccies to find the flight lines as they fly from one field to the other.

Best time of the year harvest :yes:

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hi all. been into the woodies for few months now, not been out as much as i'd have liked. the permission i've got is rape and wheat at the moment, which im now waiting to be harvested. my question is what can i expect in terms of pigeon behaviour, activity at harvest for both these crops? what are the birds actually feeding on when the rape is harvested, i've been told it'll be a good time for shooting them. basically any advice appreciated, thanks.

should get some good sport if you have decent numbers of birds using your permission,if the birds were on the rape in winter they will come back in the summer, and the birds are after the little black oily seeds that look like shot,they love em.

and obviously after the grain thats left on the stubble when the wheat is cut :good:

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:D cheers fellas, i really cant wait, bloody excited!


thought they be after the actual rape seeds, but weren't sure how many would actually fall to the floor with modern farming.


will post reports and pics as get stuck into them. thanks again.

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