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Some thoughts on the state of the world population.

1. If you live in a country that has no social welfare system then you must have a large family to be your pension for your old age. Someone has to look after you and it wont be the state. If most of your children will die before they reach adulthood then you must have lots of children.

2. Men will never give up sex no matter the risks to health, wealth and even life itself.

3. Women will cling to a man who may give her security when the state does not. The price for this security is sex.

4. Sex produces more babies where contraception is not available or ignored in the heat of the moment. (Alcohol is never in short supply in most of the world).

5. The population of the world has trebled in the last 80 years.

6. Humans are now on the brink of self extermination. (Aids/nuclear/germ warfare/etc).

7. As there is an infestation of humans at the present time is 6(above) a bad thing for the planet earth?

8. The 'planet' is under no threat - Humans are...

9. Nothing will change whilst politicians rule and the masses are uneducated...

Edited by Grandalf
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6. Humans are now on the brink of self extermination. (Aids/nuclear/germ warfare/etc).

7. As there is an infestation of humans at the present time is 6(above) a bad thing for the planet earth?

8. The 'planet' is under no threat - Humans are...


Wasn't it Prince Phillip who wanted to come back as a virus to wipe out most humans....or was it Charles & it might have been a tampon.....not sure which one tampon which one virus....possible a virus-infected tampon....anyone?

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A few years ago there was the campaign,


'Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day, teach a man to fish and you feed him for life'


As said previously we've been ploughing money into Africa for decades, just how long does it take to teach someone to fish?


But I guess there must be a willingness to learn...

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Troubles have always been part of life in the more remote areas of the world but, in days gone by, before the coming of the white man, when famine, drought, despots, wars, etc struck areas of Africa the solution was very simple. Those that were left alive moved. The white man gave them borders and passport control. (And AK47'S but that is another story). Now all they can do is sit and wait for assistance. They cannot move to another area and start all over again.

The fishing is not very good in most of Ethiopia and if it doesn't rain you can't farm either.

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There's sufficient native manpower in Africa to achieve great things including irrigation to facilitate farming, yes there are droughts but even in the good years they don't have the willingness to get of their backsides and work. As mentioned in my earlier post when Zimbabwe was Rhodesia it was prosperous, white men gave them independence and what have they done with it?


The bottom line is that our people who DO work and pay the very tax that is funding all this overseas aid are not recieving the level of care and public service they deserve, cancer patients being denied the medication that gives them the best chance of survival or improved quality of paliative care.


I for one as a tax payer do not want one penny of my tax's going to fund any oversea's programme until the country is back on its feet and free from debt.

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