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A tall Texas Cowboy stopped at a local restaurant following a day of

>drinking and roaming around in Tijuana. While sipping Tequila, he

>noticed a sizzling, scrumptious looking platter being served at the next

>table. Not only did it look good, the aroma was wonderful. He asked the

>waiter, "What is that you just served?"



>The waiter replied, "Ah senor, you have excellent taste!

>Those are called, Cojones de Toro, a bull's testicles from the bull

>fight this morning...a delicacy!"



>The cowboy, though momentarily daunted, said, "What the heck,

>I'm on vacation down here! Bring me an order!"



>The waiter replied, "I am so sorry senor. There is only one serving per

>day because there is only one bull fight each morning.

>If you come early tomorrow and place your order, we will be sure

>to save you this delicacy!"



>The next morning, the cowboy returned, placed his order.

>That evening he was served the one and only special delicacy of the day.

>After a few bites, inspecting the contents of his platter,

>he called to the waiter and said, "These are delicious, but they are

>much, much smaller than the ones I saw you serve yesterday!"



>The waiter shrugged his shoulders and replied, "Si, Senor.



>But sometimes the Bull Wins"







LB :lol:

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Is this better fulltimeshooter?


Two hunters went moose hunting every winter without success. Finally, they came up with a foolproof plan. They got a very authentic female moose costume and learned the mating call of a female moose. The plan was to hide in the costume, lure the bull, then come out of the costume and shoot the bull.

They set themselves up on the edge of a clearing, donned their costume and began to give the moose love call. Before long, their call was answered as a bull came crashing out of the forest and into the clearing.

When the bull was close enough, the guy in front said, "Okay, let's get out and get him."

After a moment that seemed like an eternity, the guy in the back shouted, "The zipper is stuck! What are we going to do!?"

The guy in the front says, "Well, I'm going to start nibbling grass, but you'd better brace yourself.




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