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kent, I have taken what you say with a serious note so far but I'm begining to faulter, the prohunters are 100gr and you have a 20inch barrel pushing them out to over 3000fps,all my data, and some given by a nice chap with quickload,struggle to get bullets to that speed with safe pressures. It depends what data you use, quickload suggests up to 44.5gs viht is safe, lee 2nd addition reckons on 42.5grs, neither gets them above 3000fps.

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kent, I have taken what you say with a serious note so far but I'm begining to faulter, the prohunters are 100gr and you have a 20inch barrel pushing them out to over 3000fps,all my data, and some given by a nice chap with quickload,struggle to get bullets to that speed with safe pressures. It depends what data you use, quickload suggests up to 44.5gs viht is safe, lee 2nd addition reckons on 42.5grs, neither gets them above 3000fps.


Yes it sometimes just goes that way, i am not just making it up- it is faster than quickload recons but changing a primer can make a fair difference my old 308 target load increased nearly 50 fps changing to CCI benchrest alone when Fedral became unobtainable for a time, brass also makes a difference also powder lot to lot variation, height above sea level and last but not least the individual barrel.

If you take what quickload thinks for speed generally you will be there abouts but far from spot on, its only a guide. Look at the info on those who have cut barrels back 1" at a time to rediculous levels and try and replicate so little loss with quickload you can't. Try the maximum load 1st and similary there will come a day when you put it with the wrong brass, chamber and gun then kapow! i wonder what would happen if we took twenty reloaders and twenty sets of scales to weigh a load?

I have an early Vhit load book somewere if you tried the max loads suggested you would have to open your bolt with a mallet at best- i mean super hot!!! this is all reasons why you should start with a low load and work up and not 100% trust any data speed, presure or otherwise - also why you should use a chronograph not a guess or data for speed. Seriously i am not just making it up. Again and once more use load data as a guide only and work up slowly there are many tollerances at play here. The chronograph doesn't lie though and it has no ego just two beams of light and a digital display :yes:

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Hate ta say yr right Kent but the longer I reload the more I believe in 'the proofs in the pudding'. I'm going to buy myself a chrono, in matter of fact, when I get back from probably another barren stalk after a certain naughty garden munching Roe buck I'm gonna order one from Optiscwharehouse. I cant really doupt you kent if you have a factual speed and I'm working off others data. When I get my chrono we can have a right old ding dong :lol::lol::lol:

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Hate ta say yr right Kent but the longer I reload the more I believe in 'the proofs in the pudding'. I'm going to buy myself a chrono, in matter of fact, when I get back from probably another barren stalk after a certain naughty garden munching Roe buck I'm gonna order one from Optiscwharehouse. I cant really doupt you kent if you have a factual speed and I'm working off others data. When I get my chrono we can have a right old ding dong :lol::lol::lol:


well we could but the thing is its my barrel we are talking about, so what you wanna do? come up here and run some shots through both our chronos with it just to be sure :lol:

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Well Kent, managed to get out with the new crono this avo, the 41.5g viht 160, 100gr sierra gameking btsp with cci primers 2886fps to 2904fps and from a 20inch barrel that will be just fine. Interestingly my little boys nerf gun has a velocity of 43fps,his gammo .177 6ftlbs air rifle is 498fps,worryingly 18 fps more than my .22 airsporter, reckon a new spring is on the cards. :o

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