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Just picked four telescopic line props from wilko's on offer at £1.98 each adjust up to about 9 feet I think, with a very good hook on the top and already painted green all over so no shiney parts, might need a quick wipe with a bit of steel wool just to make them matt, a cheap alternative if on a budget or a tightwad like me. :lol::lol::lol:

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There ok when the ground is soft but when its hard like it is at the moment there about as useful as a chocolate tea pot :rolleyes: Better off just forking out £40 and buying a proper set.






This was my solution to the problem a little while back. It did work, but by the time you add up the cost of the other materials it wasn't quite such a bargain. They did me for a while but I bit the bullet and bought some from the site sponsors a while back and they've been great.

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