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Laser sights


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I've been thinking recently that I'd like to improve my groups with my combi gun. I can do Deer kill zone at 50 yards but that's not really far enough, so need a sighting option.


I thought about those dot scopes, but as with the low powered normal scope I think that would get in the way of the shotgunning side of things. Anything that blocks or distorts your view down the barrel seems to really put me off. I've just been niosing through gun mart and noticed some lasers - I think that could be what I need.


But... The best I can see has a 1.5" dot at 100 yards? Is that clear enough to the naked eye at that range? If I could have a fixed aim point rather than having to guess with the open sights I feel I could do a lot better. I fail with the iron sights because they're just too big. My 100 yard group is just inside a foot which is no good at all.


I don't need headshot bunny accuracy but hit the right end of bunny accuracy would be good. I've only ever seen a red dot in films, and we know how muddled their facts usually are! :oops:

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If you're wanting to use a laser at distances of over 50m you'll need a green or blue one of at least 30mW power. Standard red 5mW are virtually invisible during the day at much past 15-20m. And don't pay the ridiculous prices you see in GunMart and the like for green lasers (£300) last time i looked :blink: :lol: You can get a decent one from China for £30-40 then just buy a decent mount for it here. :yes:


If you are going to be shooting moving game persoanlly i would say you would be better off with a red-dot, trying to see even a powerful green laser at a distance can be difficult, let alone trying to use it to put lead on targets! Also do you know how the animals you're after react to lasers? Some animals see hyponotised by them and will chase them, others run a mile!



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