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Subsonic loads

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I have a Lee Load ALL 12g set up and would like to make a handful of cartridges that are subsonic and quiet for killing vermin at short range.

I know Hushpower market these loads, but nobody seems to stock them or know much about them. I've used subsonic .22 rounds and was surprised how quiet they were, the first time I shot one I thought it had misfired!


So could anyone tell me anything they know about this subject? Shot size, loads, powder type.....anything.....anyone shot a hushpower cartridge?

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Guest cookoff013




i `ve loaded just one type of subsonic load, but i`d like to suggest vectan AS, at 17 of 18 grains.

the titewad load i suggested in the link is as good but more expensive. i just like titewad as its burn rate was used in several recipes i wanted to use.


i also say it can be handled by anyone, those loads are really tame, a child could use them all day.


i compensated with a #4 shot. if you are shooting game then i`d suggest use a #4. others here will disagree, but just try it and see, you be the judge of that.


making subsonics, saves money due to the high cost of the shells because of the limited runs manufacturers do.


once you go handloaded subsonic, you wont go back.

i still think the loads can be used exclusivly for recoil sensitive people.

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I know very little about loading your own but I use Gamebore 20g with 30grms of5#.

I got them from Just cartridges. They are expensive and a few people have said they are

very inconsistent and sometimes too slow(which possibly explains some of my glaring misses :blush: )I have found,though, that its a clean kill or a complete miss with my combination.

I assume you intend to use them in a moderated gun? Mine is extremely quiet and ideal for sensitive situations. I also like the lack of recoil.





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