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a mate rang me saying he had just bought a 10 bore single barrel but is now unsure of using it for coming season as he doesnt know whether he can put steel thru it as it is an old full choke gun (fixed)..i said i didnt think he could but shop said it be ok :hmm: any fowlers out there got an ansa for him be very gratefull thx :good:

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Guest topshot_2k

Yea tungsten matrix is fine, http://www.gamebore.com/page.php?id1=2&id2=8 if you read on there it can be used in any nitro gun/fixed chokes. If you can get Bismuth in 10g i would with that, its cheaper than tungsten and i have found it kills cleanly. I only use steel on inland ducks now, it just doesnt have the stopping force of lead/tungsten for geese. :good:

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It's actually quite a modern gun with a fluid steel barrel,he will need to get the choke checked and if it's over half choke it will need opening up to use steel.

Remington Nitro Steel shoot well through the H&R and are about £30 a box (25).I hope he didn't pay too much for it they usually sell for between £60-£150 I got £90 for mine when traded in against another 10.


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yeh mate ya rite,he bort it 4 £110 and nitro steel is £22.50 per box thats AAA..it is full choke so he is getting it opened up 2 half.. :good: ..or if he can find any bismuth maybe use that..nee 1 seems 2 have any..any ideas magus69 :hmm: thx dawntredder :good:

Mr Myers will sort your mate out with whatever shot type he wants but his cartridges aint cheap which is hardly surprising considering the cost of the component parts ie the shot.

His best alternative is to have the choke bored and use Remington Nitro Steel as I said,many places have these in stock but I haven't a clue where in Tyneside/North East.

Or he could load/reload his own I have data for bismuth,heavy,tungsten,and steel,easy enough to do if you want more help along this route PM me.


Edited by Magus69
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Yea tungsten matrix is fine, http://www.gamebore.com/page.php?id1=2&id2=8 if you read on there it can be used in any nitro gun/fixed chokes. If you can get Bismuth in 10g i would with that, its cheaper than tungsten and i have found it kills cleanly. I only use steel on inland ducks now, it just doesnt have the stopping force of lead/tungsten for geese. :good:


Steel does have the stopping force if you homeload and up the velocity and pellet size enough.

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