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Crossbow any info experence


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Think alot more knowledge is required before you make the purchase, as the stories ive heard of bolts flying through the air out of site not knowing were they making contact with ect, think best leaving alone and as what to shoot at target only would be my preferance ! :yes:

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I looked into it a while back and while you don't need a licence to have one I think the other posts above are true about hunting with one in the uk. There are some serious pieces of kit on the Market. Bowtech make one called the striker that can fire a 36 grain bolt through the chronograph at 405 fps. Also ppe make one called the tac 15 with 415 fps. That's scary quick for a projectile that large. The Americans use them alot for turkey and boar.


If you type the bow names I mentioned above into YouTube you will be able to watch people using them, demonstrations and hunting etc.


Ofcoarse these bows don't come cheap and are high maintenance with the strings and pulleys to keep them high power and accurate. As far as finding the bolts again after firing you can get LED ends for the bolts for hopefully regaining after a shot. Ofcoarse the bolts aren't cheap either. There are some lethal arrow heads also that would slice you up real good and some real ingenious inventions that work just like a ballistic round and again you guessed it they are expensive too.


On down the range a bit you have the Barnett crossbows and in the mid range Parker would be the best. Check out some of the websites online. I just found them searching through google. Spent hours looking and watching vids one night before deciding not to take the sport up. Was very interesting tho.

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You goin into a hole new can of worms for me now. Il bow out and watch the responses. Sounds like fun tho. I watched that robson green fella carp fishing in the Everglades somewhere with a bow and a fishing reel attached to it. They were doing it at night with a lamp as the Carp come to the surface then. Looked like fun!

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i used to live in canada and my nextdoor neighbour loved bow hunting. you should of seen the broadheads ouch they looked painfull. but you arent allowed them here which is ****. i used to go to a club with him at night and use his bow shooting big foam deer and bears and foxes and cayotes coons and allsorts turkeys. it was great but there isnt anything about like that round here. unfortunately i left canada and moved back to the uk with my parents so i didnt get to hunt with the bow only with the rifle a few times.

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I used to shoot crossbow, longbow and recurve bow in field archery competition, and whilst 3-D targets are great fun, yes, it is illegal to hunt with any kind of a bow in England, and I think also in the rest of the UK. I wouldn't try walking around with one strung either - too many muppets shooting and maiming wildlife and the police lose their sense of humour completely - rightly so.

As far as dangerous weapons are concerned, I can still put a longbow arrow a foot through a steel drum from 40 yards without any difficulty, with only a 70lb longbow, just think what a crossbow will do to flesh and blood. If you want to have fun with bows, join one of the field archery clubs - like hunting but with 3D targets, not real game.

A friend of mine in the states hunted with a bow, but stopped after he shot a hare one day, only to watch it racing around screaming with 28 inches of fibreglass stuck through its belly. Apparently took about 10 mins to die, he never hunted with a bow since - now guns - he hunts with them every chance he gets, prefers to kill his game clean and quick. :good:

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