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What will a rangefinder pick up off ?


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It should ping off a grass banking,but I've never tried it off a field as such.We pinged two targets this morning at 611 yds but whose to say it wasn't reading the ground they were on?After all,at that range they were *****y small!Sorry I can't give you a definite answer.

We've also pinged Hares and rabbits at even greater distances and got readings.I can only assume that if you get a reading it's pinging from whatever you've aimed at.

Edited by Scully
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They need something solid and (I guess) stationary to reflect the lazer. Many are thrown by rain, glass and light foliage, though some have features which are claimed to allow them to distinguish between solid targets and intermediate interference.

How small an object it can register I guess depends on the quality of the unit. I'm new to range finders myself but I've just bought a Leupold RX600. I was scanning some ground behind a fence line recently at about 150 yds. As the reticle passed a fence post it momentarily flashed the shorter distance figure. Though trying to hold the finder reticle on a target that small at 150 yrds is a lot harder than hitting it with the shot.

If in doubt about the object you want to range move to one side and read an adjacent solid object in the same plane.

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Though trying to hold the finder reticle on a target that small at 150 yrds is a lot harder than hitting it with the shot.




I agree,which is why all three of us pinge dhte targets at 611 yds while leaning against a Landrover,just to see if we all got the same reading.The target was all over the place in the view-finder,even pinging ti off sheep on the same plane.

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