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Dogs diet and exercise


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Guys, I've lowered the amount of exercise that my lab has during the hot period we've had and would like to know how you guys all handle the hotter weather I usually take him out for 30 mins around half 5 in the morning and again around 9pm for an hour this time of year but when cooler he will usually get a 30 minute walk in the morning the other half will take him to pick the kids up in the afternoon then in the evening around 6 he will be out with me for 2 hours I don't like not taking him out as much and as a result of not going out as much he won't eat all his food, he has never been greedy and he is usually fed after morning walk and evening walk but at the minute if I feed him in the morning he won't touch it till the next day, is this due to him not needing it as he is doing less exercise? He appears to have lost no weight whatsoever but I don't want him to either

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Don't have a lab, but we don't feed our springers with as much at this time of the year. At the end of August I will start feeding them more again as they will be getting work at the flight pond and also in readiness for the new season.

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