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scope height


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having recently fitted scope on my tikka rifle i have noticed the spacing between scope objective and barrel is around 5mm.would this affect the zeroing of the scope or should the scope be higher.ie on medium height rings the objective end size is 50mm.what are your thoughts on this subject?

Edited by foxnet22
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5mm sounds pretty good. As Dekers says, the closer the better.


Try and think of the way a scope "looks down" through the descending arc of a bullet leaving the gun. You have two zero points, one reasonably close and one further away.


The nearest zero point will remain fairly constant with scope height but the farthest zero point will change and get progressively further away as scope height increases. This affects the perceived holdover and generally makes things more difficult.


For example, on one .22LR I have a Hawke scope with the optical centre of the scope set 1.93 inches above the centre of the barrel. With a 55 yard zero my kill zone is from 14 yards to 62 yards without holdover.


Another .22LR is fitted with night vision and the height of the scope is 3.5 inches and with the same zero the kill zone is from 27 to 66 yards.


As an aside, I actually zero my night vision at 32 yards which gives me "flat" shooting from 25 to 73 yards (no holdover or holdunder - bullets within 1" circle).


If you do not have it already, get a copy of Hawke Chairgun Pro (free) trajectory software. Spend time shooting targets so you have real data to feed into it, no two guns shoot the same.

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having recently fitted scope on my tikka rifle i have noticed the spacing between scope objective and barrel is around 5mm.would this affect the zeroing of the scope or should the scope be higher.ie on medium height rings the objective end size is 50mm.what are your thoughts on this subject?


if you eye is in alignment without pressing your head down or lifting it up this sounds fine. 5mm above the barrel or just missing skimming it is not going to make any difference on line of sight trajectory to bother over. fitting too close can be as bad as fitting too high :good:

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