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Can all shot guns fire steel shot?

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Modern shotguns will be OK, but if you've got an old one, I would get it checked.


Modern guns will be proofed for steel, I think the proof mark on the barrel somewhere will be a Fleur-de-Lys symbol.


I expect someone will be along in a bit who knows what they're talking about :lol:

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I was wondering this the other day. I had a quick trawl through and found a couple of articles from BASC and CIP. From what I read I got the impression you can use certain steel loads with standard proof (1200 bar magnum and 850 Bar std was mentioned)as long as you observe several factors such as shot size/ choke/ speed of load/weight of load/ pressure generated. Also you have to protect the barrels from being scored either with a thick plastic shot cup or the Gamebore patented bio-degradable cup.


Before you go out and ruin your gun and maybe yourself have a read through. Also have a look at the Gamebore website as they advertise steel loads for std proof guns (with the above precautions).

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Guest cookoff013

the standard proof loads are usually smaller shotsizes. so 12gauge #3 maximum and 20bore #6 maximum in steel.


standard loads must conform to standard pressure limitations and a maximum speed of 1410fps.


incidently, the cip also recomends a shotcup that encloses all shot when being fired and of "suitable strengh". -which is open to speculation.


what handloaders like myself try to do, is increse the performance of steel, and or shotsize.


after a while you come to love steel.

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