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Nitro Powder Storage

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Hi :)


I have the chance to pick up 3 or 4 8lb tubs of powder at a really good price. I know I'm only allowed to hold 5Kg and would have to have my premises licensed by the police to hold more. Question is, what does that involve?, are there extra security or alarm requrements that would be needed?.

Edited by phaedra1106
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Im allowed to hold 10kgs of blackpowder which is more volatile and unstable than modern propellants (i have an explosives licence) and the criteria i have to meet is its stored in a lockable box made from 18mm ply or equavelent with brass fittings.There are certain other regulations with the box,but the point im making is if you're planning on holding large amounts of nitro powder you might need to store it in a similar way so to lessen the risk of fire getting to it.Although shooters powder isnt licenced it might be worth emailing HSE and asking their advice.

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Thanks but that's not the case, those storage requirements don't apply to Nitro, only black powder/Pyrodex. You can store up to 25Kg of Nitro without any special storage requirements. It's what's required by the police I need to know. I have rang my explosives liason officer but so far not had a reply.

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special licence from trading standards is needed for more than 5 kg about £150 for three years i will try and dig out my paperwork and report back




Thanks :)


Looked it up via Trading Standards and it's £178 which makes it uneconomical for a few tubs on a one off deal, shame as it would keep me in powder for about 3 to 5 years. Only other option would be to get another couple of shooters to buy a tub each and hold it then sell it to me when I'd used mine.

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