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four wheel drive we have given him a chance i have emailed the member asking for a reason why he hadnt posted them i know Cranfield has tried to contact him it seems silly for such a small amount i have emailed him at his personal email address or at least i think it is just looking for an explanation as to why i havent recieved the items i paid for he emailed me to say the money had arrived okay i dont know what went wrong



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Fortunately all my sales and purchases have gone fine, only one scary one was when I never received my ghilli suit after about a month(I had forgot about it and had not chased) anyway I pm d the seller and got no response. Then about a week after that he texted me apologising as he had completely forgot to send it. It arrived all good, I do hope these ******* that are trying to rob us of our hard earned come a cropper

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ive had a lot of stuff from hear only sold one thing and that went tits up!

but its easey to get something rong and then be branded a theif ect,

i think it was 6.5 shooter i got some bullet heads off i sent a chequ he sent bullet heads, i lost my bank card and cancled all payments with my bank they stopped the cheq clearing so i had to send cash insted,it was all sorted. but if we had a name and shame section i would be up their,

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Havent been on for a while as I have been quite busy with work but just reading a few posts it seems there has been a few people scammed in to sending money for an item and then not receiving it.


Back in February I purchased a dummy launcher for £60 including postage from a member who had made over 205 posts. I thought he would be legit and seemed through the messages that there wasnt going to be a problem.


I sent the money to his bank and the name of the account was in his name so I do still have his bank details.


I sent him a message a month later but no reply and I saw he hadnt been active since the day of the sale.

I then contacted Teal who did his best to get in touch with the user but from a forum point of view contacting him was the only option and was agreed there wasnt much more we could do.


I then raised the issue with my local police force who to this day have not got back to me. I have since then contacting the free legal service with barclays who have told me to raise the issue again with the police.


Its PayPal all the way from now on!!!


As you know mate, I tried to buy the same dummy launcher from this guy and was very surprised that he did not sell it to me as we live in the same town. Indeed he never even got back to me with an answer or reason. I have bought and sold lots of kit on PW and never once had any problem.


I did once try to purchase a scope from another forum, I sent the cash and received a completely different scope but it was in the right box. When I looked at the scope it was clear that the seller had tried to remove the name from the scope he sent. I got in touch and he said that it was a mistake and that it was his wife who had packed it and that another person on another forum must have my scope. He then tried to flannel me stating that the scope that I wanted was not as good as the one that he has sent me. He was obviously hoping that I would say that it was fine and that I would keep it. I posted it back the next morning then got in touch and informed him and after that I spent about 10 days trying to get him to post the money back to me. Throughout this time I never once gave him any abuse but was always answered in his PM's buy him calling me names. I told him that I was ex job and that I was going to get in touch with his local Police Office. I also asked him to tell me which forum and who it was that had supposedly got my scope and he said that it was a private forum and that I would not get access, so would not bother telling me. Eventually he sent the money to me. Since this time, I have not seen him on the forum and I have spoken to other members who have tried to deal with him and cut it short because he sounded dodgy. I think that I was lucky, to get the cash back.


As I have said to you I am very sorry that you have been had.

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I remember a few years ago i had some thing on another forum for sale got a PM to say he would have it, he seemed quite genuine and needed the item quite quickly so i posted it out to him...

Cost was just under £100, any way a few days went by no sign of the cheque that was supposed to be in the post.. I had his address where the item had been posted to.. At that time a good friend died and it slipped my mind until 3 weeks later. When out of the blue i got a PM full of apologies to say the cheque had been posted that day by his wife and it had not been sent earlier because he had been rushed into hospital with a heart attack which required surgery and his wife did not know he had not sent it..

Just mentioned this to show it could be a quite genuine reason that you have not got the goods.. :good:

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