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Went out yesterday to my usual spot which is usually a decent hunting ground with an abundance of pigeon but I had a spot of bother yesterday morning, out in the field about 6am looking for woodies, ferrals or maggies but did't have a single one come within 300ft!


One of the farmers fields backs onto a long row or houses which every pigeon in the area seemed to want to perch on, there were literally hundreds of the things but they didn't even look back up to the farm (which is their usual roosting/feeding spot). The roofs looked like they were about to take off! Annoyingly this has happened a few times before.


At first I thought it was where I was sat in the hay bales but when I moved and used my netting near the hedgerow that didn't seem to work either. Do they just liek sitting on warm un-insulated roofs?


What can I do to get them moving back up my way? Anyone have any ideas? relatively new to this lark so no 'pigeon magnet' answers please haha



Edited by AndyElectro
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Birds will feed and then go off to digest the food, they usually go to woodland, but I suppose a row of houses will do, if there are no woods handy.

Try going to the field at different times, at the moment 2pm onwards seems to be a good feeding time in my area.


If you just have static ground decoys, perhaps you need some movement in the decoys, obviously a rotary would do that, or an electronic flapper, but you could also try a homemade floater, (there are some ideas in the DIY section).

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Birds will feed and then go off to digest the food, they usually go to woodland, but I suppose a row of houses will do, if there are no woods handy.

Try going to the field at different times, at the moment 2pm onwards seems to be a good feeding time in my area.


If you just have static ground decoys, perhaps you need some movement in the decoys, obviously a rotary would do that, or an electronic flapper, but you could also try a homemade floater, (there are some ideas in the DIY section).



Thanks mate! Will check it out now

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hey andy,


i've been decoying 12 months now so still learning lots. like cranfield said, some movement would really help to catch the birds eye, then you just have to hope your pattern looks enticing enough. when i first first started out, i used eezzy wobblers for movement, they work well enough on shells, but not so good if you have full body deeks. there a few posts in the DIY section on how to make floaters from coat hangers. i've knocked up a couple of these using single strand glavanised stock fencing and they are pretty effective. just read loads on here, and ask questions. the majority on here are really sounds guys, happy to give out tips and advice.

Edited by BenBhoy
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