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half decent outing today

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Hi all


I'm very inexperienced at shooting, I've been out half a dozen times in the last few weeks but without much success.

I went out this morning, keen as mustard, in the field by 6.30, and managed just 4 pigeons in 2 1/2 hrs. the filed had been cut in the last few days, where i parked my land rover, i found a pile of cartridges and evidence of a hide so i guess i was too late.


an old mate of mine rang me and asked if i wanted to go out, yup you bet. so i met him at the chosen farm. i saw a pile of pigeons lift but he wasn't convinced we were in the right spot. i set up any way, just settled down and pigeons came into my decoys, bang - dead. tidy darts i thought. next pigeon, bang - dead. **** me I'm on fire. the birds flew in steadily for the next 3 hrs in ones and two's. i had some great shots and quite a few rubbish ones too.


in total, 29 pigeons for 76 cartridges. not great but aint bad by my standards. ratio of 1 to 2.6!!!!. a good shot would of bagged up easily i think. i only took sitters and not too many crossers.


the old fella, had a few shots but wanted to find a spot where he could see 4-500 birds feeding. your insane i thought, but we had a look around a few other farms and sure as eggs is eggs, one field had a good few birds in maybe 300. so he wasn't too insane after all. another foray planned tomorrow.


All good practice for the wildfowling season.


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thanks for the replies gents.

the shot to pigeon ratio could have been way better, a good few i shot first time stone dead, a couple needed a 2nd before they flapped off into the hedge. and a couple of times, i had nothing for 3 shots. if i shot like this all the time id be very happy, hope it bodes well for Thursday when the duck season starts.

it was a good few hrs in other respects, as the decoys worked perfectly. the birds came over a small but tall wood, saw the deeks and just came straight in. when they did come in more than 4 or 5 i got very excited, thinking of left and rights, 3 dead in the air at once etc and pretty much wasted 2 cartridges, shooting birds in my head before i shot any in the air.


good tho, didn't go today but hope to tomorrow

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Nice darts....Its not always about the big bags....But the enjoyment and the field craft involved in shooting them....


well done :good: :good: :good:


100% with that one. the fact your out there, often on private land, and spending some time how you want to spend it - thats what it's all about. keep enjoying it.

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