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When fox calling


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I'm not a fox shooter as such, (i did used to go with a hound pack years ago ) and now only dispatch the odd fox at the request of a landowner after a chicken house raid or similar. A lot of landowners i know actually like to see a fox or two about.

I have a couple of different calls that i have acquired, and from what i have learned from this forum it's best to vary the calls. As i only target specific foxes as needed, if i get no resonse, how long should i wait before trying the next call and how long should a session last before moving on ? From my little experience in calling, if you see nothing in say 10 to 15 minutes, nothing is going to come.

I know every situation is different but any pointers.

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I'm not a fox shooter as such, (i did used to go with a hound pack years ago ) and now only dispatch the odd fox at the request of a landowner after a chicken house raid or similar. A lot of landowners i know actually like to see a fox or two about.

I have a couple of different calls that i have acquired, and from what i have learned from this forum it's best to vary the calls. As i only target specific foxes as needed, if i get no resonse, how long should i wait before trying the next call and how long should a session last before moving on ? From my little experience in calling, if you see nothing in say 10 to 15 minutes, nothing is going to come.

I know every situation is different but any pointers.


Where you going to move on to


Wait 5 mins between calls and where you moving onto if your targeting a specific fox ?

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Depends, were you are and if your using bait or just staking out a passing point/ pen etc. most good calling results i get are in closing the range more than sitting in the middle of a field a squeaking though it does work. Remember the fox will try and approach from downwind if it thinks you are a meal (many forget this point) many come in without you ever knowing but wind you and bug out unseen. Keeping high up out of scent near a good amount of cover with bait call for two or three mins then 1o mins break and you could go all night if you wished. Also depends on dencity of foxes of course

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